I must say thank you to FELCRA actually helped to bring some changes to my hometown.Although they pay less to people that work for them,but there's a lot of new thing that the bring in. For ages my hometown has no proper electricity and water supply.People rely on generator that cost them RM15.00 every month.No ironing allowed except for the fluorescent light and tv from 1730hrs to 2300 daily. Exceptional given on friday so that the people can switch on their tv during day time to watch hindustan movie.haha..i remember my late granny black and white tv.people always come to her place to watch tv and they will bring some snacks.i recall we also have big screen tv that shows action movie. We will gather at the school football field and the teachers will put the screen on.The villagers are invited and we gonna have movie marathon.So..the auntie's will prepare some bubur kacang and pengat ubi,Sometime steam tapioca with grated coconut and brown sugar. Oh memory..missed my childhood. So back to FELCRA, now we have proper electricity supply and also proper tar road.you can even see myvi as a taxi from my hometown to the small town call Karakit.its kinda the center for the island where ferry land and for people to buy things. but people still rely on rain and wells for water supply as my the island is quite dry.(p/S have to carry water from the hill sometime,i guess thats why i am small LOL)
My mom Lita with her antique sewing Machine.She made thousands clothes with that machine.i always have to put the thread for her :)
Sunrise @ 0612hrs
The wooden bridge in the morning.A place where we always 'sun bathing',hang out in the evening to watch sunset and tempat untuk mandi-manda..ngee.
My super hero..my dad.